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House Painting Software – How It Works

House painting software - this is usually a CD-ROM available from Benjamin Moore or other paint companies through local paint stores. It has software on it that you install on your computer.

Benjamin Moore Personal Color Viewer - this is color software that you take a picture of the room you want to choose a color for. You take the picture with your digital camera and download it into your color software.
house painting software
Now you can change the color scheme of your room until you like the look. Then you take the color to the paint store and get them to make it for you.

Go here for a complete list of color software: http://architecture.about.com/od/software/tp/paintsoftware.htm

Benjamin Moore and iPhone have also teamed together also. You can get a free Benjamin Moore paint chip for your iPhone. Just type “Benjamin Moore and iPhone” into the search engine for more info.

Estimating software

Commercial and industrial contractors use sophisticated estimating software that can be quite expensive. If you are just doing residential and light commercial estimating you can learn an easy way to estimate all your paint jobs with extreme accuracy by clicking here: http://BidLikeaPro.com

home business opportunity

painting tip